10/22/2024 3:17:13 PM
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Last updated 6/10/2011

Terms of Use

It is the aim of PlayItOnTheWeb to be a safe, free resource for online gamers of all ages. It is our goal to accomplish this mission by providing a fair, level playing field for everyone to the best of our ability. The terms and conditions of this website are spelled out in this document to hold us and you accountable to this goal, so all parties know what to expect.

1.1. Nothing is set in stone

This website is constantly evolving. The way things work are going to change over time, as the functionality of the site is expanded and as we try to maintain the balance of fairness. Sometimes the changes will be in your favor, and sometimes not. Don't take any changes personally, because our only goal is to give everyone the best gaming experience possible, which sometimes necessitates changes for the greater good that may be detrimental to individual players. Don't expect things to always work the way they work today, because they won't.

1.2. There are no guarantees

Any content on this website that was not created somewhere else, is copyrighted by and belongs to PlayItOnTheWeb. We reserve the right to modify or delete individual posts and submissions or even entire user accounts if we deem it necessary or warranted. We do not guarantee that the website will function according to your expectations, or even function at all (although we try our best).

1.3. Play nice

It is our policy and our philosophy that everyone can and should coexist peacefully. Friendly rivalry is allowed, but personal attacks are not. This means: don't insult other players, and refrain from using hostile language or profanity. Don't say anything you wouldn't say to your mother (or your kids), because there are mothers and kids here.

1.4. Be responsible

Don't post or talk about illegal actions or substances. Don't post pornographic or other objectionable material. There are plenty of other places on the internet for that. Don't cheat at games or exploit website mechanics because sooner or later you will be caught, and your account (and IP address, or IP address block) will be banned. That isn't to say you can't use the way the system works to your own advantage, within reason, but anything you do can be undone (and will be) if we decide it violates the intent/spirit of the system. If you do find an exploit and take advantage of it, but are concerned about the possible ramifications, tell us about it! We will not ban you if you cooperate with us to make PlayItOnTheWeb better for everyone in the future, though we may still undo what you did if we decided it was too much. In fact, we offer a reward for reporting website bugs or system exploits.

1.5. Copyright information

Most of the games here were created by other developers and are simply published here in this repository, from a great variety of sources. We are not responsible for and do not guarantee the integrity of the games and/or links published on this website; use them at your own risk. If a game of yours has been published here wihout your consent, contact us and and we will modify or remove it as necessary. If you would like to publish your game on PlayItOnTheWeb, use the game submission form.

Forum Guidelines

Mature, responsible behavior is expected on the community forum. Violations may result in a warning, temporary suspension of forum posting privileges, or in the case of repeated offenses a complete ban.

2.1. Observe the site guidelines

All of the site guidelines apply to the entirety of PlayItOnTheWeb, including the forums. This means that rules that apply to the website, like not posting pornographic or illegal material, also apply to the forum. In addition, the following rules also apply to the forum specifically:

2.2. No soliciting

Do not solicit other members of the forum by posting spam, advertisements, or commercial offers. Do not discuss or post links to other gaming websites – the forum is for players to talk about PlayItOnTheWeb and other extracurricular interests. If you like another website better than PlayItOnTheWeb, by all means go there and enjoy it, but the PlayItOnTheWeb forum is by PlayItOnTheWeb, of PlayItOnTheWeb, and for PlayItOnTheWeb. Posting on the forum is a privilege, so please respect that.

2.3. No private information

Do not post personal contact details or other sensitive information on the forum. If you wish to share your e-mail address or other personal info with other players, send a private message from your profile page. In general, information that should be kept private or has no relevance to other players should be restricted to private messages and not posted on the forum.

2.4. No exploits

If you find a way to exploit the system to great advantage to yourself, do not publish it on the forum – send it to us privately please by using the contact form or by sending an administrator a private message. We offer a reward for reporting exploits, and while the advantage you gained from using an exploit can be rolled back whether you report it to us or not, we are much less likely to ban you if you tell us about it before we find out. We use a great many logging and analysis tools to monitor everything that occurs on the website, so we will find out. Regular bug reports, and exploits that do not provide a great advantage, can be posted normally in the bug reports forum (we offer a reward for bugs reported there, too, as well as exploits reported to us privately).

2.5. Post in the proper forum

We have several different forums for a reason: to stay organized and so that people can find what they're looking for. Do not make posts in a forum that don't belong there; try to identify the right forum for your post before making it. This one is not a very big deal, we can and do move posts that belong somewhere else, but save us the hassle of moving it if you can (which will save you the hassle of finding it later when it's not where you posted it).

2.6. Have fun!

The website and the forum exist for one purpose: entertainment. Relax a little and enjoy yourself! If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong. :)

Privacy Policy

PlayItOnTheWeb is committed to protecting your privacy. Our privacy policy is spelled out here to demonstrate this commitment.

3.1. Personal Information

The only individually identifiable information requested during registration is your e-mail address, which is not displayed publicly. Your email address is used only to reset your password in case you lose it, and occasionally to send you administrative notices regarding your account. Your email address will never be sold or given away, unless required by law.

3.2. Age Requirement

You must be at least thirteen (13) years of age to be a member of PlayItOnTheWeb.com. If you are below the age of 13 you are prohibited from registering for an account. This is to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 2000 (COPPA). Accounts created by or found to be in the possession of children under the age of 13 are subject to immediate deletion.

3.3. Session Information

PlayItOnTheWeb tracks and logs certain session information to provide a more interactive, user-friendly interface, and to ensure the integrity of site statistics and user-submitted content. This information is tracked whether you are logged into a member account or not, and includes but is not limited to: your IP address, information about your browser and operating system, your physical location, and the history of actions taken on the website.

3.4. Third-Party Advertising

We use third-party advertising companies (including Google) to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, visit the Google network privacy policy.