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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tasosmulti Posted - 08/08/2022 : 05:25:36
Since you have already managed to block me (KUDOS!), here is my message for you:

You should have simply accepted my offer. It was a decent one. Instead, you chose to keep the gold for yourself. Well, guess what. You can now enjoy being a gold digger and occupying the first rank in the gold diggers' leaderboard, because you are never, and I mean EVER, entering the true leaderboard of this site again (most #1 all-time high scores, if you are unable to figure that out).

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jonnyfingers Posted - 05/20/2023 : 19:37:05
Tasos, to be honest you were right about her. Yet she sent me rude message to me. For once I thought I wanted to remain neutral, but I'm no longer neutral to her anymore. Even though I have done nothing wrong to her. It looks like she hates us for no reason. That would prompt me to quit that site because of that. This user is the rudest player and a problem of all and becoming more worse than other players. I wish we could reach out to Toast instead. I wish you could take over that site. The person I want to rely on was you, not saucyone. We have since moved to Discord instead as I'm staying away from that site.