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T O P I C    R E V I E W
neeraffa Posted - 04/29/2014 : 11:41:14
Hi there - is there any way the 'enforced gold reduction' can be less harsh on the player challenges?

Personally I only start a player challenge on a game I enjoy - so if no-one can beat the score then the gold received is well deserved but the gold allowed goes down to really low amounts....20 or 10 gold may be putting gamers off staring a player challenge as to be honest that amount of gold is hardly worth it.

If the gold went down to a minimum say...50 gold then this would be more worth and if the reduction only lasted a week rather than a month..?

Also could the daily challenges be worth more gold?

Thank you :)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
neeraffa Posted - 04/29/2014 : 18:06:05
Thank you for your reply peterre :)
peterre Posted - 04/29/2014 : 12:18:15
first chal =300 , 2'nd = 100 3''th =50 4''th 20...rest also 20 /.........after a few weeks to a month you play same game again a challenge then starts again on 300 Gold etc...hope it answers yout question :) , greetz Peter