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 Player challenges - not for alltimers!?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
eaglekiwi Posted - 04/16/2014 : 16:07:09
Hi all,
I'm wondering if it wouldn't be a bad idea to disallow the person who has the top alltime score for a game to create a player challenge for that game ?

My reasoning is that someone who's best in the world shouldn't have the 'free ride' for making endless challenges that noone else can defeat.

Examples are myself with AOK Footy, and peterre with Flash Circle TD. In both cases we have the alltime high score, well ahead of anyone else. Ok, you could argue why penalise someone for being 'good', but surely that the whole concept of PIOTW - as you get better you get barred from some things, allowing lesser players better opportunities (e.g. 'Beginners' Tournaments).

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
toast Posted - 04/16/2014 : 17:38:21
I have to disagree here, for the first time lol =P

One of the reasons there are -limits- set to how many times a player raises the -same- challenge. Providing they only raise they same challenge once a month, they can wager 300 the maximum.

Otherwise, if a player chooses to keep raising the same challenge several times a month (which a lot of us do, as we enjoy playing certain games) then our wager is completely reduced.

There will always be certain games that members are fiercely brilliant at and want to declare challenges with, and others not so much. Its just part and parcel of the very nature of gaming.

But, I don't think its fair to stop someone from raising a challenge for a game they're particularly good at. Some people game/compete for hours on end to get a brilliant score.

You will notice a few games where several members constantly compete and declare the same challenges as one another. A few Slingo/Solitaire games are a prime example of this. And even though the wager isn't any big deal, they just enjoy the same games/challenges.

You will also notice people declaring the same challenges of their choice, for certain leader-board objectives such as "Declare the most player challenges".

Sometimes, people are only good with particular games, and so naturally they only declare challenges with those games.

There's enough games here for everyone to enjoy and master =]

Peterre is a TD specialist, every site has one and he's ours lol. Whereas, I cant play TD at all! Just not my type of game. I'm not able take part in a TD challenge, but that doesn't bother me in any way! (I cant speak for others of course).

Either way, No one has ever mentioned this sort of thing before now. I wonder what Haplo and others think!