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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jonnyfingers Posted - 09/24/2013 : 15:32:25
Hey there for the quests on this website. If that's alright if you add that option for the quests like win a game so that everybody could get experience points? How about this if you beat the game and won the game you could get experience points. What do you think?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jonnyfingers Posted - 09/24/2013 : 18:40:31
Well then just keep Facebook and Twitter on this website as it supposed to be so everybody could like a game on Facebook and Twitter.
haplo Posted - 09/24/2013 : 17:13:17
One limitation is that I only receive a score number when you "submit" after finishing a game. I don't know if you "won" the game or any other stats, I only get that one number, the score.

There are a few achievements where it asks you to "beat" a game, games that I've found that you can tell if a person has beat it just by looking at the score. For example, the memory game has 12 squares so I know that 12 would be a perfect score, and so I made an achievement for it cuz I think having a few of those is a fun addition to the site. (Though I changed it later to be 14 moves letting you make one mistake, because a perfect score was so hard on that game)

Similarly, there's Gnome Pinball, where after playing it for a while I noticed that if you got to the top level and defeated the king it gave you a million points, a score that was hard to get to any other way, like just bouncing the ball around for a long time on lower levels. So I made the achievement to "defeat the king" but it really just checks for score >= 1,000,000, because its hard to get that score without actually beating the king.

I would like to add a few more of those as achievements, but I haven't had time to really play a lot of games and find good ones like Gnome Pinball where there was something you could do to get a particular score and no other way to get that score. Long-term it's something I'd like to add more of, though.

In regards to twitter, the facebook liking while worthwhile is also kind of a pain in the neck is some ways (doesn't always work consistently, etc). I don't want to add twitter and its own set of problems just yet, though I haven't ruled out the possibility that I might do it in the far future. But for now, just having facebook is bad enough I think. So not gonna add twitter anytime soon.
saucyone Posted - 09/24/2013 : 16:28:39
sweetie,just play the games and earn your xp
jonnyfingers Posted - 09/24/2013 : 16:00:10
And what about sharing a game on Twitter so everybody could earn experience points? What do you think also?