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 Double Match 3

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
farah111 Posted - 09/22/2017 : 20:29:14
I just discovered this lovely game >>Double Match 3<<. It has nice graphics and sounds and is highly addictive. It's a pity that it is NOT highscore enabled. So, dear Haplo, if anything can be done about it...

In case it can't be enabled: My first highscore: 99264
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
farah111 Posted - 09/30/2017 : 21:00:28
3rd try: 120413
saucyone Posted - 09/23/2017 : 19:51:53
I also played this game and enjoyed it as well. Please consider the requests, Thanks
farah111 Posted - 09/23/2017 : 14:15:49
2nd try: 112132