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T O P I C    R E V I E W
saucyone Posted - 03/02/2014 : 14:27:52
Haplo,as long as players like myself and Toast that are level 99 with max xp continue to play games,will you consider leveling up with the points? I feel if we earn them,we deserve to ascertain them. Thanks!
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jonnyfingers Posted - 04/16/2014 : 17:42:36
Well for the level 99 with max xp. I don't know about this and I rather keep it that way just as it supposed to be in my opinion. And I think Haplo not appear on this site most of the time. And I don't why he's not there. But what about the runes? I want to unlock 30 runes. Now I have 26 runes and need 4 more runes to go. Haplo if your here on this site then it'll be better if you bring 4 more runes so that everybody could unlock all the runes.
eaglekiwi Posted - 04/16/2014 : 15:55:58
Originally posted by saucyone

Haplo,as long as players like myself and Toast that are level 99 with max xp continue to play games,will you consider leveling up with the points? I feel if we earn them,we deserve to ascertain them. Thanks!

May I ask what does "levelling up with the points" mean ?
I'm a long way away, only on level 28 (but rising!) - but even now I'm just slightly nervous about what happens when I reach 99. I guess I'd then want to have all the best rings/swords etc, but THEN will there still be incentive to advance, somewhere ?

(But hey, I sure don't lie awake at night WORRYING about this! LOL)
saucyone Posted - 03/03/2014 : 15:55:51
You have some valid points,however,the elixir can be sent as a gift if a person choses,but my mail has been messed up as far as sending it. I see what you're saying,but I guess if you start changing things, it causes a a chain reaction as far as tit for tat.
toast Posted - 03/03/2014 : 11:20:30
I don't know for sure, but, I -think- the elixir is a kind of a "special bonus" reward. Because the value is so low (50 gold) and its actual capability is worth a lot more after resetting all quests.
Plus, -if- Elixir -was- available to purchase, it might render the "Ring Of Clarity" less appealing to buy (if players know they can just pay to reset their energy/quests at any time).

In saying that, it could be also beneficial too (for the gold-shop-bank). Because a player might not want to spend 25,000 in one hit for the ring, but would happily spend 400 - 500 each time to reset their energy/quests as and when they need to.

Would be good to read feedback from everyone on this subject. As everyone's opinions count towards any type of change.

So I guess we would need to think of a -reasonable price- for the Elixir, -if- it was made for purchase.
The price would have to reflect the value of its power, depending on the types of quests we chose to aim for. For example I usually concentrate on the "daily challenges" because they have the highest value at 43 gold. And they reset pretty quickly. So when there are 10 daily challenges unlocked, that's a potential 430 gold. I realise that we cant -expect- a maximum of 10 daily challenges each day, but its a -general- idea towards the value of the Elixir at its highest earning power.

I know that 400 - 500 gold sounds a lot for Elixir, but, we have to take into consideration the amount we gain back through completing the quests, AND, then the runes we win ontop of that (which would be our extra). If it was too cheap, there would never be a need for the ring of clarity. So the price for Elixir has to reflect its own power value as well as the ring of clarity value.

Example, someone on -average- earns 300 - 400 gold through completing 15 quests (of their choice), which then pays back the -majority- value of the Elixir (if priced at 500), then on top of that, we gain runes and potions, say approx. 3-6 in an hour (not including broken common runes or lottery tickets). Values varying from 125 - 313 - 375 - 938 - 1250. Its those -extra- runes/potions that would be our -extra- gold earned (after deducting the original cost of the Elixir).

With that -general- idea in mind, what would be a -fair price- for the Elixir?
I have a feeling 500 would be too low. but it cant be too high either, seeing as gaining extra runes and potions isn't a guarantee. So there would be a significant element of "chance" involved each time a player purchased Elixir.

Same as with the "Luck" potion, it doesn't always prove very fruitful. A few times I've used the luck potion and only gained lottery tickets and broken common runes. I would've been better off selling the potions instead. Don't get me wrong, I've gained some great runes using the luck potion before, but, its never a guarantee.

@ Haplo, Which also leads me to ask, Can we have the -option- to sell ANY amount of our potions? Instead of -having- to sell -all- of them at once. It would be good if we could sell as many or as few as we wanted to. Or is there a specific reason why we don't have this option?

saucyone Posted - 03/02/2014 : 21:04:38
I agree with you all the way regarding the xp's,and the ring that you suggested. Also,can't understand why elixir can't be purchased from the gold shop. It's something that needs to be available to the players as the need arises to utilize it.
toast Posted - 03/02/2014 : 18:33:58
That's a really good point Saucy. It -does- feel as though once you reach max xp, you come to a -stand still-. Like theres -potential-, time/reward/gold, being wasted somehow.
It would be better if there was -some sort- higher earnings/points rewarded for quests, after people reach max xp. Or maybe another level could be made for those who reach max xp, which introduces a new range of -runes- to win from completing quests. New range of 5-10 runes with slightly higher value than the original runes. Just an idea. Either way Saucy's point is a very valid one, there could be more incentive/reward for reaching max xp.
Which kind of brings me to another point regarding the "Rings" in the gold shop. It would be great if there was a ring that combines the effects of the, ring of -smoke-, the ring of -wealth- and ring of -clarity-. Seeing as the ring of wisdom is null and void once you hit max xp.

@ Haplo, I'm certain you've already given this subject some thought, and perhaps it could be the way to introduce the new runes? (which are being/or have been developed? - Because in order to obtain the final achievement (82) we have to unlock a special rune), which is -why- I figured this could be a good way of introducing that new rune/runes.