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 I've got a suggestion for experience points

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jonnyfingers Posted - 08/27/2013 : 18:00:38
How about this. What about if I log in this website everyday. Can I receive experience points? If so then Haplo if that's alright if you can add that option on this website so that everybody log in to this website and can earn experience points everyday each time when they log in so that everybody could earn experience points faster? Just like everybody earn some coins everyday each time when they log in. How about you all? I think it's a good idea. What do you all think? Who agree my suggestion?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
haplo Posted - 09/24/2013 : 16:57:15
Not a terrible idea, but I agree with peterre. XP is to track your progress on the site, it's meant to be harder to get than gold. So the daily bonus is gonna stay gold-only (no xp) for now. Thanks for the suggestion though jonny
peterre Posted - 09/24/2013 : 14:23:29
for me not , xp is experience...gaming , doing things on the site, not alone login in, is my humble opinion :)
jonnyfingers Posted - 09/24/2013 : 13:31:21
How about this. If you log in everyday. You will earn 10 or 5 xp points. If that's alright with you? Would that be fair enough?
jonnyfingers Posted - 09/07/2013 : 17:53:35
Or maybe you can earn xp just a little when everybody log in if that's alright or not?
peterre Posted - 09/07/2013 : 16:52:15
if i understand it John , log in ...and earn xp.... no, you have to play games to earn xp , not stupid login ...thats not fair........maybe i dont read good english..forgif please :) , i love game and competition , sincery Peter
jonnyfingers Posted - 09/07/2013 : 12:02:47
Also what about for the 'Active Quests' such as daily challenge, rate a game, share a game on Facebook, email a game, declare a player challenge, get a top score in a tournament, and get a top of all high score, and etc. that can be listed all the time everyday and stay there longer that is available and required on this website for the 'Active Quests' and everybody can earn more experience points better than before. Just like from the previous PlayItOnTheWeb website that the quest listed here stays there longer and everybody did the quest and earn experience points before from the previous PlayItOnTheWeb website. That's an option Haplo if you want to do that. I'm also think it's a good idea. What do you all think? Who agree my suggestion?