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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rockcastlecoky Posted - 05/23/2013 : 10:40:12
I have a suggestion. I don't remember...I may or may not have mentioned this before.
But I think all (or many) of us have seen PIOTW games that have ridiculously high "first place" scores. These first place scores may have been in place for a year or even longer.
Here's my suggestion. A "NEW" type of Challenge. Maybe call it a "Master Challenge". Have PIOTW players post these games here in the forum (as we find them). Then Haplo can create a "Master Challenge" with these games. Those players who beat the "long standing" first place score could win something like 50-100 Gold. Possibly even awards for those who beat (or win) the most "Master Challenges".
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
peterre Posted - 05/29/2013 : 03:38:40
indeed, more games :) some games have no highscore , how can we activate this ?
chillipeppa Posted - 05/28/2013 : 13:17:42
Seconded, it culls out the silly scores. Might also create interest in certain games which otherwise you look at and think "nah, what's the point?" Dunno what parameters would be used to define such entries?

Would like to see more games have high scores too.