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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dtheduke Posted - 06/18/2011 : 11:18:02
How about adding a chat box here on the forum. I would love to chat with other players.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
saucyone Posted - 05/06/2013 : 14:26:43
rockcastlecoky Posted - 05/06/2013 : 02:25:26
Did anyone notice? We are still talking about the same thing...TWO years later!
peterre Posted - 05/05/2013 : 21:51:19
i hope chat with cam :D
emv1996 Posted - 12/30/2012 : 12:16:22
the guy might be busy with other life problem. so give him some time.
master13 Posted - 04/16/2012 : 04:38:12
There certainly is a demand Mel!! I want chat! I want chat! I want chat! LOL chat would be really cool:) When is it coming Haplo?
melglora Posted - 04/15/2012 : 22:56:54
It looks like there's demand for it!!
toast Posted - 04/15/2012 : 22:38:42
we used to have it, but no one really appreciated it at the time, i was in there talking to myself on many occassion, but thats not unusual for me =]
master13 Posted - 04/15/2012 : 21:15:16
dtheduke Posted - 07/08/2011 : 11:43:13
Good deal!!!!
haplo Posted - 07/08/2011 : 03:32:05
Chat is coming back, stay tuned...