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T O P I C    R E V I E W
melglora Posted - 07/03/2012 : 03:58:46
It would be very handy to have a timer function, similar to the strength potion's timer, except we would be able to control it. It would be useful for an array of things on the site, as well as in games. Markers would also be handy, so we could record say 5 different times. Also, to be able to make it go forward or backward would be great.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
melglora Posted - 07/04/2012 : 06:00:45
Thanks heaps Rock! People usually covet their knowledge when it comes to computers. I know it as software, from the 90's. It seems to be the etiquette in computer world: don't ask, find it yourself. So you just hear these words and expect to know what it means! Lol, I've been on the net since Nov 10, never before that. To the present day I haven't had much yearning to explore, or learn a great deal. It all seems surprisingly shallow compared to what I expected, maybe that's the reason. All the things that really, really interest me (which is in fact a great deal) are only merely glanced upon by the people or not present at all. So, I don't yearn to work for (learn) the computer, not worth it to me, just be entertained. Hence my ignorance! Soooo, it wouldn't even occur to me that there would be a "stopwatch app". Your instructions are of value, I'll check this out. The gesture is of yet more value though, thanks Rock!
rockcastlecoky Posted - 07/04/2012 : 02:37:56
An app is short for application. Some may call it an utility. Some may call it software.
1) Go to Google (or use your preferred or favorite search).
2) Search for timer. You can also search for timer for computer (which may be better).
3) Search for stopwatch. You may also search for stopwatch for computer (which may be better).
4) You should get pages of results. Choose the one that is right for you.
melglora Posted - 07/03/2012 : 19:55:32
I have so little knowledge of computers it's simultaneously funny and not. what is an app and where would I find one? Jargon.
rockcastlecoky Posted - 07/03/2012 : 11:29:49
Huh? A timer? Related to this site? How so? There should be timer apps to download and install on your own computer.